
  1. 第9回 ものつくり日本大賞 九州経済産業局長賞 製造・技術部門 2023年3月2日
    清水製作所宮崎 森木 信一,北原 実
    インサイト 堀江知義

    九州工業大学 二保 知也
    都城工業高等専門学校 高橋 明宏,山元 直行
  2. 第35回 素形材産業技術賞 一般財団法人素形材センター会長賞 2019年11月1日
    清水製作所宮崎 森木 信一,北原 実
    九州工業大学 堀江知義,二保 知也
    高橋 明宏,山元 直行
  3. 溶接学会溶接技術奨励賞 2019年2月26日
  4. 平成29年度 溶接学会論文賞 2018年4月25日
    ⼆保 知也, 堀江 知義, 池上 恭平, 石原 大輔, 松永 賢⼀, 朱 徳林,3枚重ね抵抗スポット溶接の鋼板間接触⾯に⽣じる弾塑性接触変形・電流・熱伝導3連成現象の比較・検討,溶接学会論文集, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 63-72, 2017.


  1. 二保知也, 抵抗スポット溶接の非定常非線形接触変形・電流・熱伝導3連成有限要素解析, 溶接学会誌, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 177-181, 2021.
  2. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Rei Takata, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Finite element analysis of a thin piezoelectric bimorph with a metal shim using solid direct-piezoelectric and shell inverse-piezoelectric coupling with pseudo direct-piezoelectric evaluation, Composite Structures, Vol. 245, 112284, 2020.
  3. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Rei Takata, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Hierarchically Decomposed Finite Element Method for Triply Coupled Piezoelectric, Structural, and Fluid Fields of Thin Piezoelectric Bimorph in Fluid, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 365, 113006, 2020.
  4. 高田 黎, 石原 大輔, Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, 二保 知也, 堀江 知義, 導体層を有する薄い圧電バイモルフのソリッド圧電-シェル逆圧電分離型解析, 日本計算工学会論文集, Paper No.20190011, (2019), 7 pages.
  5. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyo Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, A novel coupling algorithm for the electric field-structure interaction using a transformation method between solid and shell elements in a thin piezoelectric bimorph plate analysis, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 159, pp. 33-49, 2019.
  6. 石原大輔, 横田順, 大西南斗, 二保 知也, 堀江知義, はりとシェルによる昆虫羽ばたき翼のキャンバー生成に対する形状簡略化モデリング, 日本計算工学会論文集, Paper No.20180018, (2018), 8 pages.
  7. Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Naoki Hayashi, Daisuke Ishihara, Cycles of triply coupled mechanical contact, current and thermal conduction phenomena during resistance spot welding, Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 701-713, 2019.
  8. Daisuke Ishihara, Atsushi Goto, Minato Onishi, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Element-quality-based stiffening for the pseudoelastic moving mesh technique, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1850146, 2020.
  9. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Performance evaluation of numerical finite element coupled algorithms for structure-electric interaction analysis of MEMS piezoelectric actuator, International Journal of Computational Methods,  DOI: 10.1142/S0219876218501062, 2018.
  10. 二保 知也, 堀江 知義, 池上 恭平, 石原 大輔, 松永 賢一, 朱 徳林, 3枚重ね抵抗スポット溶接の鋼板間接触面に生じる弾塑性接触変形・電流・熱伝導3連成現象の比較・検討 , 溶接学会論文集, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 63-72, 2017.
  11. Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Junpei Uefuji, Daisuke Ishihara, Stability analysis and evaluation of staggered coupled analysis methods for electromagnetic and structural coupled finite element analysis, Computers and Structures, Computers and Structures, Vol. 178, pp. 129-142, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.09.003.
  12. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Hierarchal decomposition for the structure–fluid–electrostatic interaction in a microelectromechanical system, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol.108, No.6, pp.429-452, 2015.
  13. 二保知也, 堀江知義, ユーザ開発コードと汎用解析コードを組み合わせた連成有限要素解析方式の提案と実装,日本計算工学会論文集, Paper No.20150015,(2015), 7 pages.
  14. 二保知也, 堀江知義, 森田雄祐, 石原大輔, 山川大祐, 籾井信之, 抵抗スポット溶接における弾塑性接触・電流・熱伝導3連成解析モデルの検討, 溶接学会論文集, Vol.33, No.3, pp. 271-282, 2015.
  15. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, An experimental and three-dimensional computational study on the aerodynamic contribution to the passive pitching motion of flapping wings in hovering flies, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Vol.9, 046009 (23 pages), 2014.
  16. 石原大輔, 堀江知義, 二保知也, 昆虫羽ばたき翼の受動的ピッチング動力学における空気力効果の数値的検討, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.80, No.812, No.13-00836, 2014.
  17. 石原大輔, 堀江知義, 二保知也, 馬場昭好, MEMS構造要素における構造‐流体‐静電界連成の階層的分解による有限要素解析, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 79巻, 804号, pp.1291-1302, 2013.
  18. 石原大輔, 吉田翔太郎, 志村高規, 堀江知義, 二保知也, 流体構造連成によって生じるハエ目の受動的ピッチング運動の動力学的相似実験による評価, 日本機械学会論文集B編,78巻, 786号, pp.300-310, 2012.
  19. 石原大輔, 山下裕, 堀江知義, 二保知也, ガガンボの飛行における受動的ピッチング運動と揚力発生に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集B編, 76巻, 764号, pp.601-607, 2010.
  20. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Non-contact control of elastic vibration with magnetic damping for non-ferromagnetic plate, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 34, (2010), pp. 249-264.
  21. Daisuke Ishihara, Yu Yamashita, Tomoyoshi Horie, Shotaro Yoshida, Tomoya Niho, Passive maintenance of high angle of attack and its lift generation during flapping translation in crane fly wing, The Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.212, pp.3882-3891, 2009.
  22. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Performance of Coupled Parallel Finite Element Analysis in Grid Computing Environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4759, (2008), pp. 262-270.
  23. Yoshikazu Tanaka, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Eiji Shintaku and Yukio Fujimoto, Stability of augmented staggered method for electromagnetic and structural coupled problem, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,Vol.40, No.2, (2004), pp.549-552.
  24. Tomoyoshi Horie, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Tomoya Niho, “Stability Analysis of Staggered Methods for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem,” in: Computational Mechanics (New Frontiers for the New Millennium), Valliappan and Khalili (eds.), 1335-1340, 2001.
  25. Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Yoshikazu Tanaka, “Numerical Instability of Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1373-1376, 2000.
  26. Yoshikazu Tanaka, Tomoyoshi Horie and Tomoya Niho, “Simpli_ed Evaluation Method for Vibration with Magnetic Damping”, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 51, pp. 263-271, 2000.
  27. 千場 隆之, 二保 知也, 陳 鵬, 豊田 利夫, 何 正嘉, 宋 京偉, Chaotic Dynamicsを用いた回転機械の異常診断(第1報)-高速回転軸のクラック検出への応用-, 精密工学会誌, Vol.66-2, (2000), pp.256-260.
  28. 劉 信芳, 豊田 利夫, 陳 鵬, 馮 芳, 二保 知也, Information divergenceによる回転機械の異常診断,精密工学会誌, Vol.66-1, (2000), pp.157-162.
  29. 二保知也, 堀江知義, 田中義和, 「磁気減衰振動現象の評価パラメータ(第2報, 連成強度パラメータによる磁気減衰振動特性評価)」, 日本機械学会論文集, C 編, Vol. 65, No. 635, pp.2643-2650, 1999.
  30. 堀江知義, 二保知也, 伊達幸利, 「磁気減衰振動現象の評価パラメータ(第1報, 薄板の磁気減衰挙動の測定)」, 日本機械学会論文集, C 編, Vol. 65, No. 630, pp. 471-476, 1999.
  31. 劉 信芳, 豊田 利夫, 陳 鵬, 馮 芳, 二保 知也, 情報理論による回転機械の劣化傾向管理に関する研究,日本信頼性学会誌, Vol.21-8, (1999), pp.505-514.
  32. 豊田 利夫, 二保 知也, 正常時の振動波形のみを用いた回転機械の異常診断(第1報,振動信号の確率密度分布による摩耗系(高周波型)異常の診断),日本設備管理学会誌, Vol. 11-1,(1999), pp. 4-11.
  33. Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Yoshikazu Tanaka, “Evaluation Method of Magnetic Damping Effect for Fusion Reactor First Wall,” Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 42, pp. 401-407, 1998.
  34. 劉 信芳, 豊田 利夫, 陳 鵬, 二保 知也, 馮 芳, 対称型カルバック情報量による回転機械の異常診断,日本設備管理学会誌, Vol. 10-3,(1998), pp. 152-157.
  35. 宋 京偉, 豊田 利夫, 陳 鵬, 二保 知也, 異常診断のための歯車装置の動特性解析,日本設備管理学会誌, Vol. 10-1,(1998), pp. 8-14.
  36. 堀江, 二保, “磁気減衰振動問題における連成モード合成法,” 日本機械学会論文集, C 編, Vol. 63, No. 609, pp.1455-1461, 1997.
  37. T. Horie, H. Kuramae, T. Niho, “Parallel Electromagnetic-mechanical Coupled analysis using Combined Domain Decomposition Method,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 1792-1795, 1997.
  38. T. Horie, T. Niho, “Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Analysis with the Effect of Large Deflection,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 1658-1661, 1997.
  39. 堀江, 二保, 河野, “連成固有値に基づく平板たわみ問題の磁気減衰挙動評価, ” 日本AEM 学会誌, Vol. 4, pp.40-45, 1996.
  40. T. Horie, T. Niho, “Electromagnetic and Mechanical Interaction Analysis of a Thin Shell Structure Vibrating in an Electromagnetic Field,” Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 363-368, 1994.


  1. Syunnosuke Nozaki, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoya Niho, Partitioned-Monolithic hybrid strongly coupled method for structure-piezoelectric-circuit interaction in piezoelectric energy harvesting,  Proceedings of the 41th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology, pp. 198-201, 2022.
  2. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Rei Takata, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Triply coupled analysis method for thin flexible piezoelectric bimorph in fluid, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2019.
  3. Daisuke Ishihara, Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Rei Takata, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Coupled solid piezoelectric and shell inverse-piezoelectric analysis using partitioned method for thin piezoelectric bimorph with metal layers, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2019.
  4. Daisuke Ishihara, Atsushi Goto, Minato Onishi, Tomoya Niho, Horie Tomoyoshi, General scenario of the selective mesh stiffening in the pseudoelastic mesh-moving, Proceedings of the 37th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology, 2018.
  5. Tomoya Niho, Hiroyuki Kuramae, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Coupled Finite Element Analysis Model of Structural and Electrical Coupled Analysis for Electrical Contact Resistance , Proceedings of the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics.
  6. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Rei Takata, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Fluid-Structure and Electric Interaction Analysis of Piezoelectric Flap In a Channel Using a Strongly Coupled FEM Scheme, to appear in Proceedings of the 6th European conference on computational mechanics.
  7. Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Daisuke Ishihara, Coupled Finite Element Analysis Approach Combining In-house and General-purpose FEM Codes, IUTAM Symposium on Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling, 2017, in Procedia IUTAM (accepted for publication).
  8. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, A Finite element approach for a coupled numerical simulation of fluid–structurte–electric interaction in MEMS, Proceedings of the 7th  International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017) , pp. 999-1007.
  9. Tomoya Niho, Kenji Kubota, Hirochika Aramaki, Hiroyuki Kuramae, Daisuke Ishihara and Tomoyoshi Horie, Microscale electrical contact resistance analysis for resistance spot welding, Proceedings of the 7th  International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017) , pp. 1152-1158.
  10. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, A novel coupled algorithm for shell structure-electric field interaction analysis in MEMS piezoelectric actuator, Proceedings of The 35th JSST Annual Conference International Conference on Simulation Technology, pp. 332-339, 2016.
  11. Hiroyuki Kuramae, Tomoya Niho, Riku Kusumoto, Jyunya Yamada, Tomoyoshi Horie, Multiscale finite element multiphysics analysis of resistance spot welding, Proceedings of 10th International conference on Trends in Welding Research & 9th International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society, (2016), pp. 333-336.
  12. Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Naoki Hayashi, Daisuke Ishihara, Mechanisms of elasto-plastic contact, electric current and thermal conduction triply coupled phenomena during resistance spot welding, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research & 9th International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society, pp.329-332, 2016.
  13. Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Junpei Uefuji, Daisuke Ishihara, Numerical instability of staggered electromagnetic and structural coupled analysis using time integration method with numerical damping, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods, Vol.3, Paper ID: 1962, 8 pages, 2016.
  14. Prakasha Chigahalli Ramegowda, Ishihara Daisuke, Niho Tomoya, Horie Tomoyoshi, Performance evaluation of finite element coupled algorithms for structure-electric interaction analysis of MEMS actuator, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Paper No. 151142 (14page), pp. 1137-1150, 2016.
  15. Hiroyuki Kuramae, Riku Kusumoto, Junya Yamada, Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Multi-Scale Analysis of Electrical Contact Resistance for Resistance Spot Welding Simulation, 13th US National Congress in Computational Mechanics, (2015), 1 page.
  16. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Akiyoshi Baba, Finite element analysis using a hierarchal decomposition for the interaction of structure, fluid and electrostatic field in MEMS, Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 1023-1028, 2015 (WoS).
  17. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Fluid-structure interaction analysis for the aerodynamic contribution to the passive pitching motion of dipteran flapping wings, Proceedings of the 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, p. 66, 2015.
  18. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Hierarchically decomposed finite element analysis of the structure-fluid-electrostatic interaction, Proceedings of the KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2015, No. 15-231, pp. 20-21, 2015.
  19. Hiroyuki Kuramae, Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, 3-D micro-analysis of electrical contact resistance for spot welding, The 11thWorld Congress on Computational Mechanics,  (2014), 2 pages.
  20. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Akiyoshi Baba, Finite element analysis for interaction problems of structure, fluid and electrostatic field in micro cantilever beams, Proceedings of KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on CM & CAE 2012, pp.255-260, 2012.
  21. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Akiyoshi Baba, Finite element analysis for coupled problems of structure, fluid and electrostatic field in micro cantilever beam, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, p. 121, 2010.
  22. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Parallel Monolithic Approach for Shell-Fluid Interaction Analysis of Flapping Flexible Wing, Proceedings of 4th Korea-Japan COSEIK-JSCES Workshop on Computational Engineering, pp.26-27, 2010.
  23. Daisuke Ishihara, Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, A Three-Dimensional Computational Study on the Fluid-Structure Interaction Cause of Wing Pitch Changes in Insect Flapping Flight, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, pp.27-28, 2010.
  24. Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Sohei Takaki, Manabu Tsuchiya, Eizaburou Maruyama, Noriyuki Miyazaki, Study of Welding Condition and Welding Quality for Resistance Spot Welding using Electric -Thermal-Structural Coupled Analysis, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Paci_c Congress on Computational Mechanics, (2010), p. 70.
  25. Tomoyoshi Horie, Tomoya Niho, Takahiro Shutoh, Coupled Effect between Electric Current, Heat and Deformation with Contact for Resistance Spot Welding, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, (2010), p. 263.
  26. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Solution Strategy Suitable for Coupled Parallel Finite Element Analysis Considering Numerical Instability, Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (2007), pp.733-736.
  27. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Solution Strategy Suitable for Coupled Parallel Finite Element Analysis Considering Numerical Instability and Solution Accuracy, Proceedings of Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, (2007), GS4-2, 6 pages.
  28. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Performance of Coupled Parallel Finite Element Analysis in Grid Computing Environment, The 6th International Symposium in High Performance Computing、(2005), CD-ROM (8 pages).
  29. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, Coupled Parallel Finite Element Analysis for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem in Grid Computing Environment, Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (2005), 13 pages.
  30. Tomoyoshi Horie and Tomoya Niho, Numerical Instability Analysis of Time Integration Scheme for Staggered Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem and Its Stabilization Using Numerical Filter, Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (2005), 15 pages.
  31. Tomoya Niho and Tomoyoshi Horie, A Proposal for Parallel Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled analysis Method in Grid Computing Environment, Proceedings CD-ROM of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, (2004), CD-ROM (7 pages).
  32. Tomoyoshi Horie and Tomoya Niho, Stabilization of Staggered Coupled Analysis by Numerical Filter for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem, Proceedings CD-ROM of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, (2004) , CD-ROM (7 pages).
  33. Tomoya Niho, Kyosuke Yoshida and Tomoyoshi Horie, Vibration Control of Non-ferromagnetic Plate with Magnetic Damping Effect, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, (2003), pp. 62-63.
  34. Tomoya Niho, Peng Chen and Toshio Toyota, Condition diagnosis of Rotating Machinery using Parameter Waveform of Vibration Signal, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Machine Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, (2002), pp. 132-137.
  35. Tomoyoshi Horie, Yoshikazu Tanaka and Tomoya Niho, Stability Analysis of Staggered Methods for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem, Proceedings of the First Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vol.2, (2001), pp.1335-1340.
  36. Toshio Toyota, Tomoya Niho, Peng Chen and Hidemichi Komura, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery by Orthogonal Expansion of Vibration Signal, in: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, eds. A. G. Starr and R. B. K. N. Rao, Elsevier Science, (2001), pp. 725-732.
  37. Toshio Toyota, Tomoya Niho, Peng Chen and Hidemichi Komura, Condition Diagnosis of Reciprocating Machinery Using Information Theory, in: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, eds. A. G. Starr and R. B. K. N. Rao, Elsevier Science, (2001), pp. 657-662.
  38. Toshio Toyota, Tomoya Niho and Takayuki Chiba, Online Lubrication Performance Monitoring of Fluid Film Bearing by Shaft Vibration Measurement, International Symposium on Stability of Rotating Machinery 2001, (2001), 3011, 10 pages.
  39. Peng Chen, Toyota Toshio and Tomoya Niho, Robust Diagnosis Method of Plant Machenery by Hidden Markov Model, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 69, (2001), pp. 652-656.
  40. Toshio Toyota, Tomoya Niho and Peng Chen, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery by Gram-Charlier Expansion of Vibration Signal, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies, (2000), pp. 541-544.
  41. Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Yoshikazu Tanaka, “Numerical Instability of Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Analysis”, 12th Conference on the Computation of Electro-magnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 62-63, October 25-28, 1999.
  42. Toshio Toyota, Tomoya Niho and Peng Chen, Failure Detection and Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery by Orthogonal Expansion of Density Function of Vibration Signal, Proc. First International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, (1999), pp. 886-891.
  43. T. Niho, T. Horie, M. Togami, “Coupled Mode Superposition Method for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem,” in: Advances in Computational Engineering Science, eds. S. N. Atluri, G. Yagawa (Tech Science Press, Georgia), pp.289-294, 1997.
  44. T. Horie, T. Niho, “Analysis of TEAM Problem 16 “Magnetic Damping in Torsional Mode” using Isoparametric Shell Elements,” Proceedings of TEAM Workshop on Computation of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials, pp. 46-51, 1993.

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